Itamar Raz · CO-CHAIR



Medical Director at the Diabetes Medical Center in Tel Aviv

Head of the Israeli Council of Diabetes

  • Full professor of internal medicine and Head of the Diabetes Unit at Hadassah Hebrew University Hospital from 2000 to 2015.

  • Organizer and leader of the CODHy conference, one of the largest conferences on diabetes, obesity, and hypertension, held in Europe, South America, and Asia. The latest meeting had over 20,000 participants and the CODI Conference 2022 brought together 101 countries and 4615 participants.

  • Published 5 proceedings of these meetings in the last decade in Diabetes Care supplements.

  • Leader of the Diabetes Experts Forum, a group of worldwide top experts in diabetes who publish reviews on important topics in the treatment of diabetes and its complications in the journal Diabetes Care.

  • Co-principal investigator in several mega multicenter cardiovascular and renal outcome trials like DECLARE, SAVORE, IDNT, HEART2D, and others, developing new drugs for the prevention and treatment in diabetes complications.

  • Co-editor and part of the editorial of several leading international diabetes journals (DMRR, DRCP, DOM, DRUGS, CELL, and others).

  • Published over 450 papers in highly prestigious journals in the field of diabetes and its complications.

  • President of two societies to improve and prevent obesity in young children and their families and to improve diabetes research and care for diabetic patients.

  • Chairman of the council of diabetes that is in charge of policy and treatment of diabetes including the Minister of Health, the payers, medical doctors, nurses, dieticians, and others.

  • Collaboration with large hospitals and centers in Europe, US, and Asia.

  • Established special food labeling to educate children and families to choose their food and change dramatically the use of junk food, developed digital and face-to-face schools on diabetes, and reduced diabetes complications in the last 10 years.

  • Led an international 5-year program with the Minister of Health to prevent and treat obesity and diabetes in the Middle East and Arab countries.